James A. Busey
Service Number: 520257
Rank: Fireman 1st Class
Assignment: USS Leopold (DE-319)
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James as a toddler |
James was a parishioner of the Saint Francis Xavier Church and attended Holy Name parochial grade school from September 1928, when he began first grade until June 1936 when he graduated eighth grade. The principal there stated he was an average to poor student. This assessment certainly could have been a reflection of his home life. It was during this period that James’s parents had separated. A situation that must have been difficult for all parties to endure.
Samuel was a machinist by trade and worked at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. By 1935, Samuel was living at 1930 18th Street Northwest. Celie made ends meet by working as a sales person at a local department store.
James attended Eastern High School in Washington D.C. from September 20, 1936 until June 17, 1939; the completion of his sophomore year. It was noted by the assistant principal that his scholarship, attendance and punctuality records all were poor. It was time to leave school and move on to the work force.
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1669 Fort Davis Place, SE |
Three days later, James showed up at a recruitment office in Baltimore, Maryland to enlist in the United States Coast Guard Reserves. The recruiter was more than happy to accept him into the service but there was only one catch -- he needed to obtain parental consent to join. Returning home, James convinced his mother to sign the consent form and on May 13th was officially sworn into the Coast Guard for a 3-year period. At the time, he was residing at 1669 Fort Davis Place, Southeast in Washington D.C. with his mother and sister. According to his enlistment paperwork, Busey was 20 years, 6 months of age, stood at five foot, seven inches height and weighted in at 131 pounds. He had blue eyes, brown hair, a medium complexion. There was a one inch scar on his forehead and another on his right wrist. When asked if he was ever arrested, James answered “yes.” He claimed this happened once, when he was stopped for speeding, yet the police had no record of this. His rap sheet was squeaky clean.
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Training at Manhattan Beach |
"They learned how to march and salute, how to dress for inspection and keep their personal space ship-shape. They launch, row, and retrieve pulling boats from the beach. They go to the firing range to practice with small arms and heavy weapons like the 20mm and 40mm twin or quad mounts, the three-inch 50-caliber, and the five-inch 38-caliber open mount. They spend days firing at an aerial target towed up and down a beach.
They learn how to close watertight doors, pump water from one ship’s compartment to another, how to shore up a damaged hull, how to survive a burning ship with oxygen masks, and how to abandon ship without a lifeboat. They strap into life jackets, hold their noses, grab their family jewels, and jump twenty feet into a tank of water with a fire flaring on top. They swim out of the flames, splashing water to keep their hair and eyebrows from catching fire. They practice cold-water survival.
Aboard the ‘USS Neversail’ (a land-locked training ship) they tie knots, make rope fenders, splice rope and wire. They master the names of all the lines and make the USS Neversail ready to go to sea. They practice landing a ship at a dock and tying it up. They set the bow anchors, rig a sea anchor, and fix a scramble net over the side to pick up men in the water. And when their day is done, they gather in the mess halls to feast on a stew known as ‘frickin’ chick-a-sea.’ Finally, they survive sleepless, booze-soaked liberties in Manhattan.”
Famed boxer Jack Dempsey was assigned as Director of Physical Education at this station on June 12. James would have been nearly finished, but it’s possible that Dempsey could have had some involvement with his basic training.
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Duluth Coast Guard Station |
The shipyards in the area were vital to the war effort. They were responsible for building hundreds of vessels for the Navy, Coast Guard as well as tankers, freighters and cargo ships which hauled critical supplies overseas for the Allies. Duluth was located far inland, away from the coasts where the threat of attack from the air or sea was minimized. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Coast Guard was ordered to step up patrols near these facilities along Lake Superior.
While stationed here, James received a promotion to Seaman Second Class on August 13th and then to Seaman First Class on November 1st. One month later he was transferred to Coast Guard Station Detroit in Michigan. This facility was located at Belle Isle, a small island on the Detroit River close to the border of Canada. Their duty was to patrol the river from the western end of Lake Erie to Lake St. Clair, enforcing maritime law and to perform search and rescue operations for distressed swimmers and boaters. James assignment here was meant to be a brief one, but he remained stationed there until late May, 1943.
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Belle Island C.G. Station |
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USS Chaparral (WAGL-178) |
On September 22, James
arrived in Norfolk, where he was assigned to Destroyer Escort (DE) Crew
#12 and participated in orientation training for the destroyer escort
program. Destroyer escorts were ships created to protect slower moving
convoys, mainly freighters and tankers, against enemy ships, aircraft and
submarines. They were smaller and slower than their brethren, the destroyer,
which protected the battleships and aircraft carriers. The escorts were a good
fit for their purpose, primarily because they could be produced quicker and
cheaper than destroyers.
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Robert L. Leopold |
The launching ceremony for the USS Leopold was held at the shipyard on June 12, 1943. Hundreds of locals and ship workers looked on as well as the Leopold Family, who had travelled from Louisville just to witness this event. Ms. Helen S. Leopold, the sister of the ship’s namesake was the sponsor of the vessel. She was juggling a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a full champagne bottle in the other. Worried about not being strong enough to break the ceremonial bottle on the bow, she asked an executive from the ship building firm to help her swing it. Helen said later on, "You feel that if you do it right, it will bring the ship luck. And during the war, you wanted it to do something." With assistance, she christened the ship by breaking the bottle of champagne over the bow and wished Godspeed to all of her crew as the warship drifted sideways down the slipway, creating a huge wave as it splashed down into the water.
The Leopold escort was 306 feet in length, 36 feet-seven inches wide and had a displacement of 1,253 tons. At 12 knots, her range was 10,800 nautical miles. This ship carried an impressive array of weaponry with cannons, torpedo tub and depth charges. It was also fitted with a state-of-the-art radar, sonar capable of detecting U-boats from up to a distance of 4000 yards, and a high-frequency direction finding (HF/DF or “huff duff”) equipment that was used to locate enemy submarines by listening to their radio transmissions. Leopold held a crew of 199, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Kenneth C. Phillips.
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Launching of USS Leopold |
By November 7th, USS
Leopold departed the Mississippi River delta and sailed on to Bermuda along
with sister ship, USS Kirkpatrick (DE-318) to perform a shakedown cruise with
the young and inexperienced crew. This process allowed all equipment,
weapons and procedures to be thoroughly tested, making sure everything and
everyone was in satisfactory condition before being pressed into duty. They completed these sea trials on December 9th and headed to the
Navy yard in Charleston, South Carolina to make any necessary repairs,
re-calibrate equipment, and refuel the ship. By December 21st, they
returned to Norfolk where they resumed training and re-stocked the ship with
provisions and additional ammunition.
The USS Leopold
departed from the Chesapeake Bay for it’s first mission on Christmas Eve 1943
as part of Task Force 61 (TF-61). They were to escort a convoy (UGS-28) of over
100 ships to Egypt and Morocco. The job of the destroyer escorts was to
protect the convoy by flanking the ships, staying alert at all times watching
and listening or “screening” for signs of U-boats. These German
submarines had been decimating allied vessels crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The escorts would also round up any “stragglers” that lagged behind the
rest of the convoy. During this mission, Leopold was directed on the
evening of December 30th to go to the rear of the formation to search for a
seaman from Ship #34 of the convoy reported lost overboard. After searching the
area for 45 minutes without success, they returned to their screening
On New Years Day 1944,
James was promoted to Fireman First Class (F1c). The only other news for that
day was a refueling from the tanker USS Chepachet (AO-78) and a lieutenant who
missed the Leopold when it departed Norfolk. He managed to catch a ride aboard
the Chepachet and reunited with his crew during the refueling process.
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Casablanca Convoy |
They were now heading
west-bound as one of 16 destroyer escorts to protect a convoy of 108 merchant
ships (GUS-27). The return voyage was plagued with problems. This was
mostly due to miserable weather, particularly the strong headwinds and
cold, rough seas. The escorts were constantly leaving their positions to
look for convoy stragglers who were blown out of position and couldn’t
keep up. The waves reached 40 to 65 foot tall and battered the Leopold
relentlessly. Someone in the crew nicknamed the ship “Leapin’ Leo.” During this time, the morale was said to be poor. Nelson “Sparky” Nersasian, a gunner aboard the Leopold wrote in
journal, “All hands in bad mood. Fights springing up from all quarters. .
. . Chow lousy. Weather cold.”
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USS Poole (DE-151) |
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USS Peterson (DE-152) |
They were part of Escort Division 22, Task Group 21.5, protecting a small convoy of 27 ships (CU-16) across the Atlantic Ocean to Londonderry, North Ireland. The first paragraph of the orders warned, “Enemy submarines are very active in areas through which [the] convoy will travel. And attacks can be expected at any time. . . . The utmost vigilance must be exercised.” The group readied and departed from New York harbor at 1pm. The voyage was a pretty uneventful one for a week. But the convoy then entered an area nicknamed, "Torpedo Junction." This was where the dreaded U-boats were known to sit and wait to ambush passing ships. On the 8th, USS Leopold reported an HF/DF (Huff Duff) intercept 100 miles away from their position. This indicated that an enemy submarine was along the path of the convoy. The commander ordered a course alteration to steer clear of the vicinity.
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USS Kirkpatrick (DE-318) |
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USS Harveson (DE-316) |
It was a beehive of activity throughout the ship. Men scrambled to their battle stations. Down in the engine room, Busey and his fellow firemen were busy making sure that all of the propulsion and steering systems were functioning properly as the warship steamed on to meet its target.
Seven minutes later, USS Joyce was dispatched to assist Leopold with the investigation. At 7:58pm, Leopold fired two star flares to illuminate the area. The Executive Officer, Pete Cone was stationed up on Leo's flying bridge when he spotted something in the distance. "Submarine, dead ahead!" A spotlight was trained on the object. Sure enough, it was a German U-boat moving right across the front of the ship, about one thousand yards out.
Commander Phillips ordered the guns to open fire and to continue flanking speed. "Prepare to ram." Leopold's guns let loose on the target but did not manage to score a direct hit. Sparky Nersasian recalled, “We look up and there is a sub in front of us . . . everybody’s yelling, ‘Get those bastards. Kill them! Kill them!’ The sub is going across us right to left on top of the water."
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USS Joyce (DE-317) |
At first, the men thought the ship was hit by an artillery round from the submarine. Commander Phillips called for a damage report. The explosion had knocked out all electric power. He sent someone to find the damage control officer. The Leopold had also come to a nearly dead stop. Weird. There was a peculiar roll of the warship along with the waves. It was noted that the center of Leo was beginning to sag. Silence was broken only by the sounds of shearing metal and shouting crew members. Something had gone seriously wrong.
The damage control officer reported to the commander with bad news. The German torpedo struck the ship in the most-forward of her three engineering spaces. The backbone of the Leopold is broken and there is a hole in the port side from frames fifty-eight to seventy-five. The hole extends ten or fifteen feet aft nearly to the bulkhead between the forward engineering space B-1 that houses two of the diesels and the middle engineering space B-2. The cavity goes from below the waterline up through the main deck and includes damage to the superstructure. There is a smaller hole on the starboard side. With the hull skin and at least seventeen frames compromised, the ship is in danger of breaking in half along the expansion joint between the ship’s mast and exhaust stack. A watertight door has been blown open allowing water to start flooding the aft end of the ship. This report confirmed that James Busey was most likely killed instantly as his station was in the engineering space, where the torpedo blasted into the ship.
The bow and stern of the Leopold began lifting up out of the water with the front portion twisting to starboard, leaning more with each roll of the waves. “The ship is in two pieces, just held together by the deck,” Sparky Nersasian said. “Everything was sliding toward the center of the ship. Cut in half just like you measured it. Down we went.”
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U-255 |
Huge waves were building and pushing the life rafts back towards hulk of the sinking ship. As the stern of the ship rose and fell, the men struggled to avoid being sucked under or cut up by the exposed propellers. The angry seas began toppling over some of the life rafts and knocking men back out into the ocean.
USS Joyce responded to the area to assist with rescue operations but once arriving had to evade incoming torpedoes on two occasions, thought to be from either the U-255 or a second submarine. The Commander of the Joyce announced to the men of the Leopold, "We are dodging torpedoes! God bless you! We will be back!" This delayed any effort of rescuing survivors for several hours.
It was more recently discovered that the torpedoes were actually believed to be from the USS Leopold. They were armed and once fully immersed in water while the ship was sinking had automatically launched from their tubes. They skimmed through the water, narrowly missing the Joyce as they were trying to rescue the crew of the stricken ship.
Some of the Leopold’s crew managed to ride it out by clinging onto the fantail of the ship as it slowly sunk. Many of them, however, had jumped and swam helplessly in the frigid water, trying to keep moving in order fend off shock. The life vests supplied to the men could actually more deadly than if they had no flotation device at all. If one had the vest positioned low around the waist, once inflated it would make the wearer top heavy and drown him with little chance to recover. There was also nothing to keep them warm. After a short time in the water, limbs would go numb, making motion impossible.
Men in the safety nets didn’t fare any better. They got tangled up in the netting and drowned. If you were lucky enough to be in a life raft, you were at least out mostly out of the water and had something to keep afloat. The survivors would punch each other in the face to keep awake. If one fell asleep, they were most certainly done for. Hypothermia is how most of the Leopold’s crew perished.
By morning of March 10th, the stern of the Leopold had already sunk, but a portion of the bow was still afloat. The Joyce was ordered to stay in the vicinity to pick up any possible survivors and to sink any wreckage of the Leopold as it would become a danger to later passing ships; particularly at night. The Joyce brought aboard the survivors, recovered 3 bodies, sunk the wreckage of the Leopold using gunfire and depth charges. At the completion of this depressing task, they set off to rejoin to the convoy. USS Joyce made it to Londonderry the next day and dropped the survivors off at a hospital.
Out of 199 men aboard the USS Leopold, only 28 men survived this attack. There was not a single officer among them. Tragically, the body of Fireman First Class Busey was never recovered and believed to have gone down with the ship. Perhaps though, he was one of the lucky ones. He didn't have to face the torture of freezing to death. His life had come to an end suddenly and quickly.
The sinking of the USS Leopold represents the second largest loss of life aboard a US Coast Guard ship in its history, the single largest loss of life in the combat history of the US Coast Guard, and the first destroyer escort lost in World War II.
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7 of the USS Leopold Survivors |
“My dear Mrs. Busey: It is a source of profound regret to me that your son, James Arthur Busey, Fireman, first class, USCGR, lost his life in action against the enemies of his countermand I wish to express my deepest sympathy to you and members of your family in your great loss. There is little I can say to lessen your grief, but it is my earnest hope that the knowledge that your son gave his life in the performance of his duty may in some measure comfort you in your sad hour.”
She would later receive James’s Purple Heart (awarded September 27, 1944), his final pay and WWII campaign medals from the Coast Guard. James Arthur Busey was survived by both parents and his sister, Betty.
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James Busey’s Purple Heart |
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134 Second Avenue |
At the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut you can find a tribute to the men of the Leopold on a plaque in the memorial chapel. There is also a memorial stone in the garden behind the chapel.
More recently, the Cost Guard Enlisted Memorial is slated to be dedicated this spring at the Training Center in Cape May. It will be inscribed with over 1500 names of men and women who perished while serving with the Coast Guard. Among these names, James and the crew of the Leopold will be represented. For more information about this, check out http://www.cgemf.org.
If you wish to view a documentary made about the USS Joyce and the sinking of the USS Leopold, please visit: https://vimeo.com/37318074. Also, a must-read book about the sinking of the Leopold is called “Never to Return” by Robert Nersasian and Randall Puffer. This offers a first hand account of life aboard the Leopold as told by a survivor and his family. The quoted passages in this story were taken from this book.
Here is a final poignant statement from USS Leopold survivor, Nelson “Sparky” Nersasian:
“Now that I think about
it, I wonder, what was it all about? What’s the sense? They killed two hundred
[sic] of my friends. And my gun was responsible for maybe killing some mother’s
son, some woman’s husband, sweetheart. Just human beings.”
May their sacrifice never forgotten.
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